Watson Links Partners With Big Brothers Big Sisters KC to Provide Free Golf Opportunities
Watson Links and Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City (BBBS) are partnering for the summer on a pilot program to provide free golf opportunities for local Matches. Their goal? To give more kids access to on-course play alongside an experienced golf mentor.
“When you think about great mentoring programs, you probably think of Big Brothers Big Sisters. When you think of great golfers, Tom Watson comes to mind,” said Pauly Hart, Watson Links Executive Director. “This partnership just makes sense.”
With support from GreatLIFE golf courses, the Heart of America Hill Course and Wee Links at Heritage Park Golf Course, Bigs and Littles get to play on real golf holes and courses – hopefully inspiring them to become lifelong players who will benefit from the positive life skills that come from playing the game. Among these skills are resilience, patience, confidence, respect and decision-making.
“It was great!” said Bill White of his first golf outing with his Little Brother. “Well kept, beautiful fairways, and quiet. Great place to have some space to learn and not feel rushed.”
Other Bigs agree: “It was my Little Brother’s first time on a real course, and he had a great time,” said Chris Reeves.
Hart is heartened by initial feedback on the program and hopes to promote the opportunity to more KC Matches as well as partner with additional BBBS chapters nationwide. Anyone interested can contact her at [email protected] to learn more.
Watson Links is eight-time Major Champion Tom Watson’s non-profit organization that champions on-course play and golf mentoring. Its nationwide initiatives provide a bridge from golf lessons and interest to on-course play and a lifelong passion for the game. Watson Links programs supplement existing junior golf programs and mentoring programs, aiming to enhance community relationships and on-course confidence.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City (BBBSKC) works to clear the path to a child’s biggest possible future by matching them with a caring, adult mentor in a one-to-one friendship. “Bigs” help “Littles” ignite, empower and defend their potential by standing with them. Last year, 99% of the Senior Littles graduated high school, 83% reported improved self esteem and 71% reported improved grades since being matched.