Parents and guardians begin by registering their children with the local program through the local program website or the Watson Links app (coming soon). Registration includes completing a waiver and providing details about the child’s age, experience level and course preference.
During registration, parents and guardians receive orientation material with specific details about how the local program operates and what’s expected from the young players.
Parents and guardians can check with their local program director to review available tee times at participating golf courses for the current or upcoming session.
On the day of play, most local programs request that parents, guardians, and youth players meet with the golf mentors and other player who will form their playing group at the golf course pro shop approximately twenty minutes before the scheduled tee time. Greens fees for youth players are typically paid or subsidized by the local program. The group usually enjoys nine holes of golf, and parents or guardians pick up their child in the pro shop approximately two hours after the tee time when the youth players and golf mentors complete their round. Playing groups normally consist of two youth players and two golf mentors. Occasionally, three youth players may be matched with two golf mentors, one of whom will walk without playing. Parents and guardians are encouraged to communicate and ask questions to the local program administrator through the local program page or app.
Golf mentors begin by registering through the local program website or the Watson Links app (coming soon).
After registration, golf mentors receive links and codes to log in and initiate a background check and enroll in SafeSport training. Completion of both is required before signing up for play. Golf mentors also receive orientation material with specific details about how the local program operates and their role and responsibilities.
Once golf mentors are notified by the local program administrator that their background check and SafeSport training certificate have been obtained, they can review available tee times at participating golf courses and choose the times they wish to play during the session. Golf mentors are expected to play at their selected tee time each week throughout the session. If they anticipate a conflict when signing up for a session, they should contact the local program administrator to explore sharing the session with another golf mentor before they sign up.
In most local programs, golf mentors meet guardians and youth players in the golf shop at the course twenty minutes before tee time. Greens fees for golf mentors are typically covered by the local programs. Following the round, golf mentors provide a brief attendance report on the round to the local program administrator.