Parent / Guardian Orientation Materials

Here’s a brief overview of what to expect and how you and your child can make the most of the Watson Links experience:


●  Explore the website to learn more about Tom Watson’s vision for junior golfers.
●  Watch the Parent Orientation video.
●  Attend your local program orientation if offered. Local programs often host an orientation session for parents to meet fellow parents and the local program staff. Please check with your local program administrator.


●  Commit to your child’s participation. Attendance is important. We realize that life happens, but cancellations are discouraged because mentors give up their personal time to play golf with your child. If you must cancel, please notify your local program director as soon as possible or use the Watson Links app.
●  Bring golf clubs and balls. Junior players are expected to bring their own clubs and carry their bag. If a player is in need of clubs, please contact your local program director as soon as possible.
●  Wear casual golf attire (non-denim shorts, pants, or skort, athletic shirt with sleeves and preferably a collar) athletic shoes with closed toes and no cleats, and apply sunscreen.
●  Be patient and supportive. Your child’s score is not important. Learning and and having fun is! Celebrate success and shake off misses.
●  Be on time. Please ensure your child arrives at the course on-time, at least 20 minutes before their tee time, and game ready. This will positively affect your child’s experience with the program. And please be on time to pick up your child. Mentors and program directors will be waiting on you. Please be prompt!
●  Contact the local program administrator with any questions or concerns.


●  Keep communications lines open. Communication is key to a successful experience at Watson Links. We ask that you direct your questions to your local program manager and be sure to read and respond to emails from your local program manager.
●  Encourage your child to ask questions and talk with their mentor. Players should introduce themselves to their mentor and to the other players in their group. Remind your child about basic communication skills such as looking people in the eye and listening to instructions. If your child is nervous or shy, remind them that Watson Links is non-competitive, casual golf, and their mentor is not a golf instructor, just a friendly adviser.
●  Discourage cell phones on the course are discouraged, but your child can text you from the last hole to help you plan your pick up time.
●  Do not contact your child’s mentors outside of Watson Links and do not share your child’s personal contact information with mentors, including cell phone numbers, social media accounts, email address or home address.